Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Stage 5: McEwen Wins a Stage

“I should have had third-place points from the sprint in Tours but the ‘commissaires’ didn’t agree." -- Robbie McEwen

Oh, shut the hell up. You head-butted Stuart O'Grady, and you deserved to be relegated. Try to not cheat next time and maybe you wouldn't get in trouble. It's always someone else's fault, ain't? I know McEwen is ticked and still frustrated, but what is whining about it two days later gonna do? You just won a stage, and you're gonna take potshots at the judges? Why?

Boonen's lead just gets bigger. It's now up to 29 points over the second place rider, Thor Hushovd. We've been talkinga lot about Lance's dominance, but we're seeing even bigger margins in the points competition. Hell, we've only had three road stages and in those three days, Boonen has built an almost insurmountable lead. 29 points over second place is massive, particularly after only three stages. It defies analysis, its like the other guys aren't even trying. forget intermediate sprints, the only way to catch Boonen is for him to either A) abandon or B) finish out of the top ten in a stage that one of the few guys within 35 points wins outright. His lead is that big.

But you want a quote of the day, how about Laurent Jalabert in l'Equipe?

"Armstrong was grimacing. His teammates certainly made sure he did the last relay, but not long before then, when (George) Hincapie pulled off to the side, Armstrong didn't do his relay. Did he finish in the red? Despite appearances, he must surely be finding things a bit difficult. One of his pluses is being able to hide it."

Did Jalabert hit his head? Armstrong grimaced? Are we this desperate in our searc for weakness? Grimacing?! Seriously? That's the best we got? OK, Poulidor responded by pointing out how remarkably stupid this was, so its not every former French cyclist who is insane, just Jalabert.

A slow day on the course. The big news was stupid people saying really stupid things. The only thing to really watch for is whether Lance can actually hang onto the yellow jersey during these flat stages. It's not a team goal, obviously, but all of those sprinter's teams keep reeling in every breakway in a desperate search for points. Lotto and Credit Agricole are doing the heavy lifting for Discovery Channel. I'm sure they'll get thank you cards in the mail.


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