Wednesday, July 06, 2005

McEwen wins one, loses one

McEwen ought to be happy about winning stage 5, but his struggle for the green jersey got harder today. Boonen finished second on the stage, which is worth 30 points to McEwen's 35, but Boonen also won the first intermediate sprint, which is worth 6 points. So, Boonen scored 36 on the day and McEwen scored 35.

What sort of crime does a guy have to commit to get such bad karma?

So, the lesson should be learned now--go for the intermediate sprints. They aren't worthless. If you don't take them, someone else will.

Quote of the day: whoever said "No wonder Paris didn't get the Olympics" in response to Jean Marie LeBlanc forcing Armstrong to break the tradition of not wearing the yellow jersey a day after inheriting it because of a crash. The other explanation must be that they didn't have a good enough bribe for the IOC.


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