Sunday, July 04, 2004


What the hell happened to Petacchi? He's not my favorite rider, and my wife is still working on a sneering nickname for him, but he's supposed to kill in these sprints. Fassa did all of the work today, they dominated the peleton, reeling in a minor breakaway and setting up their man to win the stage.

And then... nothing.

Petacchi never materialized at the front of the sprint. Hushovd dictated the sprint, but probably went out a little too early, losing to Kirsipuu and McEwen. McEwen had some terrible positioning and came out late, but still almost won the sprint. Even watching on replay, I only noticed the first three, as Hondo and Nazon were virtual non-factors in the furious final moments. I have to say, McEwen looks like the strongest sprinter, despite not winning the stage today.

Hushovd picked up another intermediate sprint, coupled with his nice finish yesterday, he gets to wear the Green Jersey. He's only got three points on Kirsipuu, and more importantly, 8 on McEwen. That early time trial may loom large as we continue through these sprinter's stages. Cipo, as expected by us, was a total zero.

Where were Cooke, Petacchi, and Zabel? What's going on?


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