Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Stage 3: Tactical Maneuvers Pay Off

Two interesting gambits paid off today.

First, Auge attacked the peloton and chased down the two-man break in order to pick up a few points in the climbing competition. Only Willems reacted and the two of them closed a three and half minute gap in just about seven km. The peloton shrugged. Which allows me to poke even more fun of David Millar. Look, you make a big show of attacking on some hills to take the dots when the jersey doesn't much matter, only to completely fail to defend it the next day? How can Saunier Duval be caught so flat-footed? Are they really they weak of a team that they can't contain Stephane Auge? How is he allowed to break off and form a chase group without a single rider from Saunier Duval reacting? Just a great gamble by Auge, as he gets to wear dots for a few days, which is a pretty big deal when you're Stephane Auge.

But the real gambit was by Fabian Cancellara, who once again demonstrates how riders suddenly become better just by wearing the yellow jersey. The break looked like it was going to work, even at the last km, only to be swallowed up by the peloton in the final few hundred meters. But instead of the sprinters running to the front and taking the stage, Cancellara bolted from the pack early and held off the sprinters to the line. Just an awesome performance, and one that gives him some breathing room due to time bonuses. He should now be in yellow until this race hits the Alps. CSC did almost no work today, perferring to let the sprinter teams do some work for once, yet CSC still manages to surpass their goals: instead of merely hanging on to the yellow jersey for Cancellara, he wins his second stage of the Tour. Not bad for a time trialing specialist.

It was the kind of move I didn't think would work. How is Cancellara going to hold off the sprinting powers? But it worked to perfection. Just a perfectly timed, yet extremely bold move. I absolutely love when a guy lives up to the honor wearing the maillot jaune. Cancellara is a worthy race leader. Today, he really earned that yellow jersey he's wearing.


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