Sunday, July 08, 2007

Stage 1: McEwen? Still Good

How awesome is Robbie McEwen? And how has he only won 12 stages in his career? Because it seems like he’s won about a hundred.

This one was classic McEwen. Crash in the final 25km. Get dropped by the peloton. Rally back to the pack. Be nowhere near the front during the final lead out. Magically appear. Win by a full bike length.


Maybe he should try to win a stage after sawing off a leg. Maybe he should give his a rivals a 50 meter headstart. You know, just to be fair. There’s nothing McEwen cannot do. He is so far ahead of everyone else. He is clearly the best sprinter in the field.

So what hope does Tom Boonen have? Well, McEwen did hurt his wrist today. So maybe McEwen will lose something on the upcoming sprints. Maybe he won’t be able to make it thorugh the mountains. Maybe… well, Boonen better hope there’s a maybe. Because in an honest race, McEwen beats everybody.


Blogger Poseur said...

By the way, the cyclocosm blog poo-poo'ed McEwen's stage victory today. I have to say, I enjoy his blog because he's cocky and arrogant... he reminds me of someone but I can't put my finger on it.

While I don't think it's the Best Stage Win Ever, I do think it demonstrates the incredible skill of Mcewen. The guy popped out of nowhere and just crushed the rest of the field. That's impressive even without the crash.

What I find funny is that he then congratulates David Millar on the totally worhtless accomplishment of grabbing the dots before hitting the mountains. Maybe its because McEwen is good, so the bar is set high. While David Millar pretty much tops out at choking during the prologue and grabbing jerseys before the real contenders start trying to contest it.

12:09 AM  

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