Thursday, July 08, 2004


Can we get some love for Jakob Piil? This is the third time in four road stages that Piil has been involved in a breakaway. It's nice that this one fianlly stuck, and I always like to see the lesser riders in the Tour have their day in the sun. All in all, cycling is a pretty thankless sport, so we try and bend over backwards to recognize some of the anonymous members of the peleton. CSC's not going to have someone win the race, but they have been all over the place in the early goings.

Armstrong's out by 10 minutes, but none of the riders ahead of him are a threat, and everybody knows the big guns will quickly erase the gap come the mountains. It was agood decision by Postal to just hang back today. The weather was terrible, not just the rain which played a role in some more big crashes, but the wind. Postal and the other GC contenders frankly decided O'Grady and Casar weren't worth the effort. And, really, they aren't.

Thomas Voeckler is the French cycling champ. He's wearing yellow, and upon losing that, he'll probably still be in white. Things are going well right now for him and for French cycling. Hey, we're the French! We don't suck!

It's really only a matter of time before Petacchi drops out seeing as he crashed today and has less chance of winning the Green than I do. And while most of the peleton came in a little over 10 back, I'd like to mention another rider who managed to lose closer to twelve: Erik Dekker. Where there is disaster, there is Dekker.


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