Thursday, July 09, 2009

Stage 6: THOR!


There are certain riders we champion here. Jens Voigt, of course, but that’s only because he’s awesome. I made fun of Voeckler in my preview, but I honestly really like the guy. But if we have an unofficial mascot on this blog, it is THOR!

In fact, we refuse to refer to the god of thunder by his common name, THOR! Hushovd, and instead will always call him by the name I yell at the TV whenever he appears: THOR! Strangely enough, today’s win was not a ride of bad-assery, but of racing smarts. Cavendish has utterly dominated the green jersey competition, so much so that we’ve sort of given up hope on it being interesting. And then THOR! comes along and attacks on an uphill finish to rocket back into the race. It’s now a one-point differential. THOR! made it a race in one friggin day.

He did it the old fashioned way. By attacking Cav’s weakness: climbing. Now, no one is going to confuse THOR! with Contador, but he doesn’t suck at climbing as much as Cav does. THOR! saw a weakness, and he exploited it, even though it’s not his strength. Oh, on the same day that he crashed. In a crash that knocked Rogers out of the race, THOR! got back up, got back in the peloton, caught David Friggin’ Millar, and almost won the green jersey. That’s why THOR! is the friggin’ man.

On the flipside, we’ve wasted a lot of bandwidth ripping on David Millar. I like attacks, and I especially like solo breaks. So it’s gonna be hard for me to rip on Millar today, but I’ll try, because that’s how much I dislike him. Millar is now going to be unable to support his GC man (Vande Velde) tomorrow, in a selfish run for a singular stage win. Let’s face it, VV needs all the support he can get. If you’re gonna make a solo break that screws your team captain, you better win the damn stage. Whoops.

One more time: THOR!


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