Friday, July 23, 2004

Stage 18

We could have easily expected Stage 18 to be uneventful. The contenders would take it easy on the day in between the Alps and the time trial. A breakaway would escape and an unknown would have a chance to win the day.

Juan Mercado was the happy fellow taking the stage win. Even though we weren’t so interested in this stage, Mercado will make a highlight film out of it because he made a well-timed attack of his breakaway group. He and Acosta did a great job working together to keep their advantage on the other three—the Euskaltel guys should take note of that—and then Mercado finished the stage with a savvy attack just before the line.

The other story line was the horseplay of Lance Armstrong. Early in the stage Fillippo Simeoni tried to join the 6 man breakaway, but Armstrong followed him and they bridged the gap. This is really bizarre—the yellow jersey never goes out of the way for such nonsense. See, Armstrong and Simeoni sort of…hate each other. Simeoni has filed a defamation suit against Armstrong, so Lance decided to kill any chance of Simoni getting a stage win by shadowing him. See, Telekom and CSC would never let the yellow jersey go away like that, so the breakaway was doomed. The guys in the breakaway knew this, so they kicked Simeoni out. Lance and Simeoni sat up to be caught by the peloton, and the breakaway went on without Simeoni. That’s why they call Lance “The Boss.” If “The Cannibal” weren’t taken by Eddy Merckx, that would fit too.

Yeah, this illustrates why some guys hate Lance. But if you were a five time winner, on your way to Paris for #6, you could inflict your will on people too.

Oh, are Banesto and Rabobank ever going to win a stage again? Just curious.


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