Sunday, July 20, 2003

Stage 14

Goddamn CBS.

Hey, I'm happy they want to cover the Tour. I like it when "minor" sports get some love from the major networks. While ESPN is busying handing out ESPYs and showing the Great Outdoor Games, it's good to see some sports departments are trying to find actual programming. But if you're going to cover the event, cover the goddamn event. I woke up at 7 AM, walked the dogs, had a bowl of corn flakes, and then turned on trusty OLN to catch the action.

And instead all I get is American Sportsman. Son of a bitch. And what is CBS showing? A freakin' infomercial! Hey, if you're going to black out OLN's coverage, have the decency to show the damn race you are blacking out. I had to spend my morning following the race through updates via the BBC. So I don't have any analysis. I missed the freaking race today. And when CBS finally did get around to covering the Tour, it was a weekly wrap-up show with about 5 minutes devoted to today's racing. Damn you, CBS!! I know what happened already, I wanted to watch today's race. Bastards!

OK, I had to get that off my chest. It's nice to see Simoni get a stage win. He's arguably been the biggest dud of the entire Tour, but he at least saved some face an took hoem a stage win. Also, today's breakaway group had some of my favorite riders: Simoni, Nardello, Bettini, and Beltran. No reason to note that, just a personal thing. Just another reason I'm still irritated by CBS. Anyway, Vino picked up some time again, so the top three are now seperated by less than 20 seconds. That means it is anybody's race.

I said it on Friday, and I'm saying it again. Monday's stage is the big one. I believe the yellow jersey will be won or lost in Stage 15. This will be the biggest stage in the Tour in about five years. I cannot overstate how important it is to the closest race in a decade. I'll keep you posted.


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