Thursday, December 19, 2002

Lost in Tommy John’s fame for getting operated on is the fact he was one hell of a pitcher. He never won the Series, but he always played well, posting a 2.67 ERA over three Series. He’d have a shot even if he didn’t have the most famous surgery in sports history, but that contribution certainly constitutes impact on the game. It’s enough in my eyes to put him in.

Kaat also won every Gold Glove from 1962-1977. A little of that is habit, but he was a hell of a defensive player. Of his 10 closest comps, 7 are in the Hall. His closest statistical comp? Tommy John. Put them in together.

OK, Blyleven hung around trying to get that magical 300th win which never came. From 1988-1992, he was a bad pitcher trading on his name. But come on, he’s 5th all-time in strike outs. He is credited with the greatest curveball in history. And even with those lousy years at the end, check out his career ERA versus the league average. He shouldn’t have had to wait this long. And if he’s in, then 9 of Kaat’s 10 comps are in.


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